Heel Skill

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Heel Skill

The player starts off with no experience wearing high heels. However due to the magical effects of the game, the player learns very quickly. Your heel skill increases faster if you are wearing higher heels, and increases slower the higher that your heel skill is already.

Attacking monsters whilst wearing heels, even if you aren't kicking them, increases your heel skill XP relative to the difficulty of the monster.

Heel skill contributes to your bimbo score.

Heel skill affects your ability to walk, jump and attack in heels successfully.


The table below outlines the difficulty level of walking in heels for each different level of heel skill, and the height of the heels.

TODO: Aika needs to redo this table

Other factors also affect difficulty:

  • Platform heels decrease the difficulty by 1.
  • Blessed heels decrease the difficulty by 1.
  • Cursed heels increase the difficulty by 1.
  • Heels with the stumbling attribute increase the difficulty by 1.
  • If the location of the player has pools of liquid on the floor, the difficulty is increased by the number of units of liquid on the ground divided by 3.
  • A worn diaper increases difficulty by its weight.
  • Being bound at the ankles increases the difficulty by 1.
    • Any worn diaper has half its weight added again.

If a random number between 0 and 16 is less than the difficulty of walking, then the player trips and falls over. This humiliates the player and makes the attempt to move between locations fail.


The table below shows the level of heel skill required to jump off a dildo trap in different heels:

TODO: Aika needs to redo this table

NB that platform heels count as a heel height lower than the value displayed.


Higher heel skill makes you able to kick instead of kneeing or slapping. Attacking will be reworked for release 6 at which point more information will be placed here.