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Clothing - Bondage - Unique


A pair of medieval looking anklecuffs. While worn, this item impairs the player's movement and combat, and ability to wear or remove some items of clothing. If the player ever ends up in these, it is wise to remove them as soon as possible as they can make it extremely difficult to stand up to all but the weakest monsters.

Ways of Obtaining

  • May materialize locked on player when any of following criteria are met:
    • Player has chosen the "Trapped in Bondage" fetish in the pregame menu
    • If player is defeated by a guard after stealing from the shop or while wearing a cursed pair of latex plug panties
      • If the player is already wearing handcuffs, the guard will always give them anklecuffs
    • If the player is fighting the Witch whilst standing and they are already wearing a ballgag, a corset, and high heels.
    • Can be spawned by the stage.


  • Outrage: 2/20
  • Bondage (after you've managed to remove them) are the only items that can inspire the Freedom Tattoo.


  • Metal


  • (Whilst worn)
    • Decreases dexterity by 2
    • Prevents the player from taking items out of chests unless they are kneeling
    • Makes it harder for the player to run away from hostile NPC's, even when standing
    • Makes the player more likely to trip, especially in rooms with soft floors
    • Prevents use of the **Knee** and **Kick** commands
    • Prevents wearing:
  • (When worn)
    • Become cursed it they were not cursed already

Influenced or Associated items