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In General

Trapquest generates a different room layout every time a new game is loaded, and each time the player faints. Fainting causes any npc's sharing the room with the player to leave(although they will probably be aggressive to the player if they meet again). The player will stay in the room they fainted in, and any items they left in the pink wardrobe will remain there until the player can find their way to find their way back through the dungeon to pick them up. Every other room is reset, which means all "messes" are clean, all items are removed, all traps either removed or changed, and all containers reset. Some rooms contain special furniture which persists through resets, such as the Throne Room, and other rooms have a specific layout when it comes to chests or basic containers, such as basic containers. Some rooms have a set door layout, and some do not. Rooms with a flexible layout will have as many doors as possible. That is to say, if a room is surrounded by four other rooms, and none of them have a set layout, that room will always have four doors. Likewise, a room with a set layout will only "create doors" if another room is touching them in a valid spot.

Dungeon Area

The dungeon is the starting area of the game. The player can find Treasure Chests, Sacks, and both metal and wooden crates in this area, and unique NPC's include the Shopkeeper. Common NPC's in this area are the Aeromancer, Gladiator, Royal Guard, Sex Doll, and Wench.

Altar room

  • A treasure chest will always be in this room
    • This chest has a tendency toward being trapped, although it will not be trapped if the entrance to the room is trapped.
  • The dungeon altar is found here
    • The altar is the only furniture that can be found in this room
  • This room will only have one door, which will lead north


  • This room will always contain a sack
  • This room has a flexible layout
  • If the player has a recipe in their inventory, or has committed one to memory, they can perform Alchemy in this room.


  • This room has a flexible layout
  • This room will always contain a sack


  • With low intelligence, the player will comment that that they don't know what this room is for
  • This room may only have one door, which will lead west


  • With a high bimbo score, the player will comment that people had a lot of fun in this room
  • This room has a flexible layout
  • There is a stage that can be stood upon.

Bunk Room

  • These rooms will always contain a treasure chest or basic container
  • These rooms are found throughout the dungeon
  • These rooms may only have one door, but it can only lead in one direction.

Cage Room

  • The Minotaur is found in this room
    • If the player or an NPC pulls the lever in the Prison Guard's bedroom, the Minotaur will begin to roam the dungeon.
  • Will always contain a Sack and a tank
  • This room has a flexible layout


  • May generate with or without a chest or basic container
  • This room may only have doors leading east and west
  • If this room has two doors, it will often connect to the Ritual Room

Chambermaid's Room

  • This room will always contain a chest
  • This room may only have doors leading north or east

Changing Rooms

  • This room has a flexible layout


  • This room has a flexible layout

Dungeon Shop

  • The shopkeeper is found in this room
  • This room may only generate one door, which will lead south

Healer's Room

  • This room has a flexible layout


  • This room has a flexible layout


  • This room has a flexible layout

Mess Hall

  • This room has a flexible layout
  • Treasure chests and basic containers cannot be found in this room.


  • This room has a flexible layout
  • Will always contain a Chest, Sack, and a Wooden Crate

Prison Guard's Bedroom

  • The lever can be found here
  • Will always contain a chest and a sack
  • The floor in this room is soft, which may cause the player to lose their footing(especially when wearing heels)
  • This room has a flexible layout

Poker room

  • This room has a flexible layout.
  • This room will always contain a Metal Crate
  • Once per game, a deck of cards can be found in this room.

Ritual Room

  • This room may only have doors leading east or west
    • If the Catacombs has two doors, the western door of this room will usually lead to the catacombs.

Royal Chambers

  • The pink wardrobe can be found in this room
  • The bed can be found in this room
  • This room may only spawn with one door, leading east
    • This door will always have a pink smoke trap on it
    • This door will always connect to the Throne Room
  • This room will always generate with a treasure chest
  • Entering this room will cause all monsters currently pursuing the player to instantly lose interest, including friendly ones
    • This is usually a bad way to escape from a guard, since they will become interested in the player again right away once they have reset.
  • Wearing a Nightie will teleport the player to this room
  • This room will contain a magenta tank the first time the dungeon generates, which will disappear upon the first dungeon reset
    • This tank is otherwise like any other tank, containing a random amount of liquid, which may or may not be cursed.
  • If the player has the watersports fetish enabled, and they use the piss command in this room, a cursed Nightie has a chance to spawn onto the player, provided they aren't wearing one already

Statue Hall

  • This room will generate with one door leading east and one door leading west
    • The door leading west will lead to the Throne Room
    • The door leading east will lead to a Stone Hallway
  • This room contains statues that the player can interact with the drink command.
    • If the player's thirst is sufficiently high, the player will immediately drink from the statues as soon as they enter this room
      • Obviously, if the player is wearing a ballgag or a pacifier this will not happen.

Stone Cell

  • This room has a flexible layout
  • This room will always contain a Wooden Crate

Stone Corridor

  • This is not a unique room and may appear multiple times throughout the dungeon area
  • This room has a flexible layout
  • These rooms cannot have chests or basic containers

Stone Hallway

  • This room will appear multiple times throughout the Dungeon Area
  • One of these rooms will always appear east of a statue hall, and touch three other rooms
    • This means the hallway will always have four doors
  • These rooms will not have any chests or basic containers
  • These rooms have a flexible layout

Stone room

  • These rooms have flexible layouts
  • These rooms will always have a chest or basic container
  • This room will spawn three times per dungeon as one of the following:
    • Circular stone room
    • Large stone room
    • Small stone room

Stone Stairwell

  • This room has a flexible layout
  • This room will not contain any chests or basic containers
  • Using the 'up' command in this room will send the player to the Dungeon Exit in the Woods Area

Swimming Pool

  • This room has a flexible layout
  • This room will contain a sack

Throne Room

  • The throne is found in this room
  • This room will always have a door leading east, to the Statue Hall
  • This room will always have a door leading west, to the Royal Chambers


  • Players with very high body soreness will faint if they kneel in this room or enter this room while kneeling
  • Players with the watersports fetish enabled can empty their bladders here without increasing humiliation
  • This room may only have doors leading south and west
  • While there will always be at least one of these rooms in the dungeon, there is a small chance for two.

Tool Room

  • This room can only have one door, which will lead north.
  • This room will always have a container

Training Room

  • This room has a flexible layout
  • This room will have a container

Underground lake

  • This room may only have doors leading south or west
    • If this room has one door, it has a high chance to lead south.
  • The player can wash their body and clothes here
  • The Tentacle Monster is found here
  • Containers and chests will not be found in this room
  • Players with the watersports fetish enabled can empty their bladders here without increasing humiliation
  • Furniture cannot be found in this room

Woods Area

The woods is the second area of the game, and all enemies found in it are overall tougher than the ones found in the dungeon below. The woods area is generated when the player enters the Dungeon Exit for the first time. Unique NPC's found in this area include Barbara and the Witch, while Common NPC's include the fairy, the Demoness, the wasp(egg laying enabled,) and the mannequin. Containers that can be found in this area include treasures chests, tree stump crates and sacks. The Vine Boss, found in the Underground Chamber, will harass the player with vines until the player enters the chamber and kills it; The Vine boss can only affect so many rooms with its vines, but even if the player manages to get rid of them in one room, they will always reappear in that spot until the vine boss is dead. Traps that can be found in this area include needle, spinning dildo, wooden horse, underwear slingshot, and makeup traps. The player can heal themself in this area if they find a hammock, which prevents the player from having their rest disturbed by non-flying enemies. Free liquids in this area are contained in buckets, which conceal the level and color of the liquid inside. Fae mushrooms can be found throughout the area.


  • This room type has the following variants, some of which will not appear depending on the layout of the dungeon.
    • Empty Clearing
    • Grassy Clearing
    • Muddy Clearing
      • The floor in this room is soft, which may cause the player to lose their footing
    • Oak Clearing
    • Pine Clearing
    • Statue Clearing
    • Stone Clearing
    • Waterfall Clearing
      • This room may only have doors leading east or south
        • If this room has one door, it will usually lead east.
      • The pool is found here.
      • The player can wash their body and clothes in this room.
      • Players with the watersports fetish enabled may pee freely in this room.
      • There will always be a treasure chest in this room.
      • The slime girl is found here.

Dark Area

  • This room has a flexible layout

Dead End

  • This room may only have one door, which will lead north
  • This room will have no chests or basic containers

Deep Woods

  • This room is not unique and can appear multiple times throughout the dungeon
  • This room will contain a chest and a tree stump crate
  • Barbara will generate in one of these rooms
  • This room has a flexible layout

Dungeon Exit

  • Will never have any chests or basic containers
  • Using the 'down' command in this room will send the player to the Stone Stairwell in the Dungeon Area
  • This room has a flexible layout, but it will always touch at least 3 other rooms.
  • Will always contain a mannequin when the game begins.

Hole in the Ground

  • using the 'down' command in this room will send the player to the Underground Chamber.
  • This room has a flexible layout

Hotel Back Entrance

  • This room only has one door, leading east
  • At some point, the player will be able to use the up command in this room to travel to the Hotel Area

Mysterious White Wall

  • This room will always contain a treasure chest
  • This room contains a ladder which the player can climb to look into a statue
  • This room has only one door, leading north


  • These rooms have a flexible layout
  • This room type has the following variants
    • Twisting Pathway
    • Creepy Pathway
    • Winding Pathway

Shallow woods

  • This room has a flexible layout

Witch's shack

  • This room has a flexible layout
  • The Woods Altar is found in this room
  • A treasure chest is always found in this room.
  • The Witch is found in this room

Underground Chamber

Hotel Area

Adult Nursery

  • If diaper fetish is not enabled, will be called the "Sex Dungeon"
  • Will always contain a strict matron(diaper fetish enabled) or a strict dominatrix.
  • Agressive Wrestlers will drag you here once per game.
    • Regardless of whether you have met the matron or dominatrix before, this causes her to become aggressive.

Ballroom, Security Room, Ioanna Feelum Room, Lecture Hall, Office, Lounge Area

  • The above rooms have flexible layouts
  • The above rooms will always have a basic container.

Capsule Chamber

  • Contains a large red stop button, which ends the game when pressed.
  • May only have one door, opening to the west.
  • Contains a bulging slutty sister.
  • Contains a futanari slutty sister.
  • The contents of this room, if not the room itself, will be moved to area 4 eventually.

Feeding Area

  • Contains several dog food bowls, containing food for dogs.
  • Aggressive RoboButlers will try to drag you here and force you to eat from one of the bowls.
  • this room has a flexible layout


  • Contains the [furniture|cross trainer].
  • This room has a flexible layout.

Hotel Bathroom

  • Male players can urinate here freely
  • This room can have a maximum of three doors, with the "back wall" replacing a door to the north.
  • Players with appropriately submissive class titles may get dragged here for a "fun surprise" after losing an encounter with a wrestler (Requires watersports to be enabled)

Hotel Hallway

  • There are eight hotel hallways
  • Four hallways have flexible layouts.
  • The other four hallways may have three or less doors.
  • Like other hallways, they cannot contain chests or loot containers
  • Trapped doors or rooms can be triggered by leaving or entering hallways, but hallways themselves are not "trapped".

Hotel Rear Exit

  • Entrance/Exit to the hotel
  • Go east or down to exit.

Inspiration Room

  • Contains Inspiration Machine
    • Inspiration Machine endows the user with a tattoo. Use the command "put x in machine"

Karma Sutra Penthouse Suite

  • Contains large bed
  • May contain a minibar


Laundry Room

  • If entered standing, a machine will automatically remove and wash all non-cursed non permanent clothing the player is wearing.
    • Everything removed will be deposited in the room for the player to pick up.
  • this room has a flexible layout.

Lecture Room

  • Contains a chair for the player to sit on. Increases intelligence or sex addiction.
  • this room has a flexible layout.


  • This room has a flexible layout
  • Contains several recipes. Available recipes are replenished upon fainting.

Lovelace Room

  • This room may have two doors, leading north and south.
  • This room will always have a basic container.

Room 101

  • This room has only one door, leading north.
  • May contain a minibar in addition to a basic container
  • A modification machine can be found here.

Rooms 102-107

  • Ordinary hotel rooms. Be sure to check for treasures and interesting descriptions with "look".
  • May contain a minibar in addition to a basic container.
  • Will always contain a Hotel Bed.
    • RoboBellboys will always drag the player to rooms containing beds that summon monsters.

Shirley Braindead Room

  • with pregnancy fetish enabled, this room is named "Shirley Pregnant Room"
  • This room may have two doors, leading east and west.
  • This room will always have a basic container.

Staff Room

  • This room may have three doors, to the east, west, and south.
  • Contains several Dildo Chairs

Whorington Room

  • This room may have two doors, leading north and south.
  • This room will always have a basic container.