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  • A small spherical chocolate egg, about half the size of a normal chicken egg.
  • A small spherical white egg, about half the size of a normal chicken egg.
  • A small spherical chocolate egg, about half the size of a normal chicken egg. You laid it out of your own asshole.
  • A small spherical white egg, about half the size of a normal chicken egg. You laid it out of your own asshole.
  • This looks exactly like you'd expect a large chicken egg to look like.
  • This looks exactly like you'd expect a large chicken egg to look like, except it is made of chocolate.
  • This looks exactly like you'd expect a large chicken egg to look like. You laid it out of your own asshole.
  • This looks exactly like you'd expect a large chicken egg to look like, except it is made of chocolate. You laid it out of your own asshole.
  • This huge bird style egg is at least twice the size of your average chicken egg. It looks more like what you'd expect a small ostrich egg or small dinosaur egg to look like.
  • This huge bird style egg is at least twice the size of your average chicken egg. It looks more like what you'd expect a small ostrich egg or small dinosaur egg to look like, except it is made of chocolate!
  • This huge bird style egg is at least twice the size of your average chicken egg. It looks more like what you'd expect a small ostrich egg or small dinosaur egg to look like. You laid it out of your own asshole, although now looking at its size you can hardly believe it.
  • This huge bird style egg is at least twice the size of your average chicken egg. It looks more like what you'd expect a small ostrich egg or small dinosaur egg to look like, except it is made of chocolate! You laid it out of your own asshole, although now looking at its size you can hardly believe it.


Ways of Obtaining

  • Small eggs may be inserted into the player's belly by the Vines.
  • Medium eggs may be inserted into the player's belly by the Throne or by anal penetration by the Giant Wasp.
  • Small, medium and large eggs may be inserted into the player's belly by the Tentacle Monster.
  • Eggs come into the game world by being laid by the player.
    • This occurs when the player's belly overflows or when they squat to forcibly lay them.
  • Eggs of a given size that are in the player's belly when they faint will appear next to them in the same size when they recover.


  • Eggs come in three sizes: small, medium and large and their counts inside the player's belly are tracked both separately and as total count.
    • Medium eggs are twice as large as small eggs for total count computations and large eggs are five times as large.
  • Eggs of each size can be different Crafting components.
  • Girth:
    • Small: 2
    • Medium: 5
    • Large: 10
  • Heaviness:
    • Small: 1
    • Medium: 2
    • Large: 3
  • Tattoo Machine inspiration for the Anal Dragon Tattoo and the Heavyweight Tattoo.
  • Eggs can be fertilized by giant wasps. This causes them to hatch and spawn new wasps immediately.
    • This can only happen after they are laid and are in the game world.
  • Eggs cannot be eaten.


  • If the player's belly is full, eggs may be pushed up into the player's stomach. If the player's stomach is also full, they will faint.
  • Laying eggs will destroy bottom Clothing that cannot be displaced or ripped.
  • Laying eggs may increase asshole Soreness.
  • Giant wasps will defend a player with medium eggs in their belly against attacks from other Monsters.
  • Eggs can be traded to the Robochef which calms it.
    • It may later cook it into a pastry.


  • Brooding is checked every turn a Broodmother player is in the same location as a medium egg.
  • The first brooding produces a wasp cloud of three wasps.
    • Each subsequent brooding produces a single wasp.
  • At fifty wasps, the Wasp-Antennae and if worn, the Striped_Top are fused to the player's body.
  • At a hundred wasps, the player's nipples are transformed into stingers.