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This attack does medium damage and increases exercise.
* This attack increases exercise.
* [[Stockings]] can influence the damage of knee attacks.  A high [[Magic Modifier|magic modifier]] stockings can make knee attacks extremely powerful.
* [[Stockings]] can influence the damage of knee attacks.  A high [[Magic Modifier|magic modifier]] stockings can make knee attacks extremely powerful.
** [[Suspenders]] can also influence knee attacks but only if they are connected to stockings.
** [[Suspenders]] can also influence knee attacks but only if they are connected to stockings.

Revision as of 21:55, 20 July 2017


Attacking is the main method of deal damage to monsters in the game. Other than that only some friendly monsters may assist the player during combat. There are three different ways to attack an enemy which have different drawbacks, but every type of attack is influenced by the strength stat.


The basic attack. Does medium damage, but can be heavily influenced by equipment. Slaps do not increase exercise.

  • Damage can be reduced by wristcuffs or very large breasts.
    • The gladiator teaches a skill which negates the slap penalty from having big breasts.
  • If the player is completely balanced (floor isn't slippery and they're not wearing heels that are too high for their skill level), an NPC that tries a trip attack after a slap will have a 0% chance of success.
    • If the player is not completely balanced, the trip attack will have a 1 in player dexterity chance of success.


  • This attack increases exercise.
  • Stockings can influence the damage of knee attacks. A high magic modifier stockings can make knee attacks extremely powerful.
    • Suspenders can also influence knee attacks but only if they are connected to stockings.
  • The player cannot use "knee" when bound with anklecuffs or wearing a hobble skirt (but skirts can be pulled up).
  • If the NPC tries a tripping attack just after the player uses a knee attack, the NPC has a low to medium chance of success, depending on how balanced the player is and how high their dexterity is.


This attack is the easiest to increase to decent levels by wearing heels.

  • The fatigue of the player increases each time.
  • Wearing heels increases damage output depending on heel type and heel size, but not magic modifier. The magic modifier only affects balance.
  • The player cannot use "kick" when bound with anklecuffs or wearing a hobble skirt (but skirts can be pulled up).
  • If the NPC tries a tripping attack just after the player uses a kick attack, the NPC has a medium to high chance of success, depending on how balanced the player is (heel skill and slipperiness) and how high their dexterity is.