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(Recent craftables)
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*** (TG fetish disabled) Leaves the player with a mark that permanently prevents their penis from growing(or transforms into a pair of pouch panties)
*** (TG fetish disabled) Leaves the player with a mark that permanently prevents their penis from growing(or transforms into a pair of pouch panties)
*** Hastens the mechanic's [[Mechanic|transformation.]]
*** Hastens the mechanic's [[Mechanic|transformation.]]
===Electric Fan===
* Random ingredient
* Removes all pink or green smoke from the room in which it is used(one use)

Revision as of 16:06, 19 July 2017


The player can find alchemical recipes in chests throughout the dungeon, which they can use for crafting using the craft command in the apothecary room or by putting ingredient into the Alchemist bowl. There is no need to actually memorize a recipe to craft. After usage of the Bowl it will go to cool down for some time. The player can decrease a cool down by leaning a Preservation of the magic energy from friendly an Aeromancer. Each recipe has one ingredient. Most recipes require an item or liquid that requires the player to interact with monsters in some way. Gathering ingredients for a recipes takes a long time, so they can use the "remember" command on the recipe to store it, and use the "recipes" command to "see" all of their stored recipes. Players with low intelligence scores should be careful, because they could end up unknowingly creating a cursed version of their desired item. During start the game randomly assigns recipes for components. Some recipes are hardcoded and always have some ingredient. Because there are more ingredients than recipes some recipes will have more than one combination of creation (included hardcoded). For save crawlers it's recommended to experiments with ingredients on the Bowl and forget to gather recipes or write down required component for a recipe and reload.

Elixirs, Tinctures, and Potions

The vast majority of all craftable items are consumable liquids, and like all liquids, the player cannot use one if their stomach is too full. The following is a list of all craftable liquids, their recipes, and a summary of their effects. Using of most consumable liquids have a questionable usability as it's required deep understanding of mechanisms of the game and usually situational. Finding certain ingredients could very difficult Royal Sigil or very painful Egg. Plus spending potions of Strength or Energy on crafting is usually unwise. BUC of created item is unknown which is also decrease usability of crafted item.

Elixir of invigoration


  1. Random ingredient


  • Makes the player's ass and pussy heal themselves by the amount of semen that enters them.
  • This will last a different number of rounds depending on the BUC status of the elixir.

Elixir of life


  1. Random ingredient

Required fetishes: Pregnancy Effects:

  • Impregnates the player with a fairy if they are female and not pregnant
    • If the TG fetish is enabled, transforms a male player into a female and impregnates them with a fairy
  • Heals body soreness if uncursed.
    • If it cannot heal body soreness, it speeds up the player's pregnancy
  • If uncursed, increases dexterity
  • If used when pregnant, increases the player's pregnancy rate and the chances of conception.

Elixir of Magnetism


  1. Random ingredient


  • Causes any hostile monsters in the room to instantly lose interest in the player and run away
    • Does not happen if cursed
    • Does not apply to anything in the process of "messing with" the player
    • The repelled monsters will continue running from the player until the other effects of the elixir run out.
  • Causes all nearby monsters to notice the player, even from outside the room.
    • This effect lasts around two minutes, blessed version lasting for an additional half minute.

Potion of Balance


  1. Random ingredient


  • Increases the player's heel skill by 1
  • Decreases of larger the player's breast size and hip size and grows the smaller one to a roughly equal value
    • The potion cannot decrease the player's breast or hip size below real world values, nor can it decrease air volume.

Potion of Blessing


  1. Random ingredient


  • Teleports to the Altar Room inside the dungeon. If already in the Altar Room, resets the timer on the altar
  • If cursed, will increase altar timer, but keeps the message of a "normal" potion.
  • If the PC is not in the dungeon, this potion will have no effect.

Potion of Bull Strength


  1. Minotaur horn filled with milk matured in your belly
  2. Random ingredient, yes it could be

Required fetishes: Lactation Effects:

  • Drastically increases the player's strength if uncursed
  • Spawns cow ears and a cow print bikini onto the player if possible
  • Always created as cursed, can be only uncursed at the Forest Altar
  • Adds significant amount of fat on the character

Potion of the womb


  1. Random ingredient

Required fetishes: Pregnancy Effects:

  • Impregnates the player if they are not pregnant
  • Pauses the player's pregnancy if they are pregnant
  • Unpauses any paused pregnancies

Tincture of Acceleration


  1. Random ingredient


  • Increases the player's dexterity for a 10-15 seconds
    • Duration is doubled when blessed.
    • Gives no bonus if cursed
  • Increases the rate at which the player's thirst increases
    • If the player has the Watersports fetish enabled, increases the rate at which their bladder fills after taking a drink
  • Causes exercise points to accumulate faster
  • If Lactation fetish is enabled, increases lactation rate
  • If Pregnancy fetish is enabled, increases pregnancy rate

Tincture of Strength


  1. Random ingredient


  • Drastically increases the player's strength for 10-15 seconds
    • When blessed, duration goes up to around 30 seconds
    • When cursed, only lasts half as long.
  • When the effect ends, causes the player's bust and hip sizes to heavily increase
    • If the weight gain fetish is enabled, they will also gain a lot of fat


Salves are essentially consumable equipment. The player applies a salve to a relevant body part, and that salve stays there until the player faints or until it gets washed off. Salves can only be applied to exposed body parts, and once used their BUC status cannot be changed. The following is a list of all craftable salves, a brief description of their effects, and their recipes.

Salve of Buoyancy


  1. Random ingredient


  • Can be applied to your breasts and butt
  • Reduces the weight of the affected area(but not its size)
    • The blessed version reduces the weight further
    • The cursed version makes the area heavier
  • If the inflation fetish is enabled, the area can become lighter than air

Salve of Concealment


  1. Random ingredient


  • Can be applied to the ass or the vagina
  • Makes the affected area invisible to NPC's(regardless of their mental state)
  • Prevents the player from Presenting the affected area
    • Consequently, keeps them from plugging it.
  • Increases sensitivity(meaning that orgasm and soreness gain are much more likely and intense when they happen)
    • The cursed version only increases sensitivity

Salve of Restriction


  1. Random ingredient


  • Can be applied to your breasts, belly and ass
  • On bellies prevent fat growth
  • Affects flesh only; not milk,air or silicone
    • If cursed, will (prevent?) all the other game mechanics that cause growth or shrinking, while slowly growing the area.


Items applied to the environment and consumed in the process

Electric Fan


  • Random ingredient


  • Removes gas from room


[list any patterns for craftable clothes] The following is a list of all craftable clothes, a brief description of their effects, and their recipes.

Condom of Kings

Available only for male character. Recipes:

  1. Pink rubber
  2. Random ingredient


  • Slowly increases the player's penis size
  • If the player ejaculates into the condom, it becomes cursed
  • Prevents the player from using their penis (or having it used) for sex
  • A condom that has been worn and removed is impossible to get back on.

Demon codpiece


  • Random ingredient


  • Gains charge whenever the player successfully rapes a female NPC
  • Causes all fuckable npc's to be aggressive
  • Increases the player's strength and dexterity depending on its current charge
  • Penalizes the player whenever they kill an npc could have raped, or willingly submits to sex (in order):
    • Reduces the player's penis size to minimum
    • Reduces the player's physical stat's and increases their bust or hip size
    • Reduces the player's intelligence or disappears, leaving a final penalty:
      • (TG fetish enabled) Transforms the player into a woman and increases sex addiction by a large amount
      • (TG fetish disabled) Leaves the player with a mark that permanently prevents their penis from growing(or transforms into a pair of pouch panties)
      • Hastens the mechanic's transformation.




  • Increases the player's slap damage
  • Gives a damage bonus against monsters the player has recently had sex with
    • Depending on how high the bonus is, has a chance of damaging the book after the attack
  • Has a chance to recoil and knock the player over depending on how damaged it currently is
  • Gives a damage bonus when used by the Schoolgirl
  • Can be charged for more damage with crafting
    • Charged faster for the schoolgirl

Latex Hood


  1. Headgear
  2. Random ingredient


  • Allows the player to become the Latex fetish model
  • Causes cursed latex items(aside from the hood itself) to give +1 dexterity and +3 strength
  • Causes bondage items to increase the player's dexterity (+2)
  • Prevents the player from speaking
  • Curses itself when worn

Living Belt of Sturdiness


  1. Random ingredient


  • Prevents the player from wearing new underwear.
  • Prevents the player from kneeling against their will.
  • Whenever the player is not kneeling, tentacles try to plug the player's orifices.
    • Any crotch-blocking items, other than insertable items, will be destroyed if the player was wearing them before putting on the belt.
    • If the player has an orgasm while standing, the tentacles will fill the player will semen.
  • Increases the intelligence loss while the player is horny.
  • Requires very high level of humiliation to wear.

Queen of Hearts heels


  1. Deck of Cards
  2. Random ingredient


  • Increases critical hit chance
  • Allow the player to strut even if they haven't learned the skill

Spike bra


  1. Random ingredient
  2. Any bra


  • Causes enemies to take recoil damage when they attack you.
  • Sex dolls may pop instantly if they hit the player's breasts



  1. Random ingredient


  • Makes the player more likely to correctly determine whether or not a container is trapped
  • Increases intelligence

Unholy Cum Dump's Undergarment


  1. Panties
  2. Random ingredient


  • Causes the player to become horny faster if they do not have semen in their belly
  • Reduces the player's body soreness whenever they are anally creampied
  • Requires high level of humiliation to wear

Whip of Domination



  • Increases the player's slap damage
    • If the player is horny their damage is increased even more
  • Gives a damage bonus if the player has low sex addiction
  • Gives damage reduction if the player has high sex addiction
  • Allows the player to become horny even if they have low sex addiction
  • Extremely useful to lay a finishing blow to an enemy decreasing humiliation